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About Larry

Larry Lonski has been servicing clients for over 25 years.  

Larry began his career as a real estate agent but soon found the world of investments to be much more interesting.  He has spent over 25 years working in the education market helping public employees reach their retirement goals.  He has a wide knowledge base of investment products and his expertise lies in variable annuities, mutual funds and managed accounts.  In Larry's view, the single most satisfying thing about being a financial advisor is to witness his clients enjoying their wealth and living out a comfortable retirement.   He is known by his clients to enjoy long-term, deep personal relationships and focuses on a very transparent and straightforward way of doing business.   

He has consistently been recognized for his dedication to his craft, most recently honored by Woodbury Financial Group with the Zenith Qualifier Award in 2019.  Prior to this accomplishment, he earned Independent Financial Group's Elite Advisor Award from 2010 - 2018 and the Pension Planners Securities Top Producer Award from 1994 - 2009. 

His personal passion is rescuing wolves with his beautiful wife, Kim.  Larry and Kim run the Lonski Pet Rescue, an active 501(c)(3) dedicated to caring for homeless pets and providing emergency funds for medical services and other essential needs. 

Larry is a Chicago native and holds his BS in Business Accounting from San Jose State University. 

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